Saturday, December 10, 2011

New sleeping pattern at 8 weeks?

My tiny man is eight weeks old, finally, and has started a new sleeping pattern that is really very disturbing and I don't know what to do and I'm exhausted. He goes down for bed at 7pm like clockwork, so it gives me some time to myself before I go to bed. The problem is, he starts waking up every two hours from midnight until 6am when we get up for daycare. And all he wants to do is nurse. Not eat, he hardly takes more than a sip or two from the bottle, but he's figured out how to hold his tongue over the hole so no milk comes out but he can still suck on it. He refuses to take the paci, he just wants me to sit there next to his crib and hold the bottle. Sometimes for an hour or more. And every time I go to remove the bottle from his mouth and put it down so I can go back to bed, he wakes up flailing and cries inconsolably until I put it back. What do I do???

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