Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I need help about an electric guitar!!!!!!?

Hard to tell without playing it, but for a first guitar any package like that will probably be fine. And after you have it for a while, if you like playing, you can go shopping and find a better one.

What type of double stroller would you recommend for us?

I have a 21 month old daughter who is very independant and usually HATES to sit in a stroller. We are having another baby in Dec. and I am trying to do my homework about a double early as I went through 3 strollers with our daughter and dont want a repeat of that. We will be using the Chico Key Fit 30 infant seat. I really hate the idea of a double stroller but know that for our life it is inevitable to need one. I have been looking at the Graco duo glider specifically. I dont want to spend too much $$$ on it; i mean $250-$300 is about the range I'm willing to go up to. But if possible would like to spend $175-$200. I do really like the look of the side by side ones however I worry about their ability to fit through store aisles ect. Does anyone have an suggestion? We live in the suburbs and will be using it mainly to go for walks (thats why I prefer the jogger side-by-side style). Or for trips to the mall (thats why I want a single row one so it fit easier in stores).

How did the book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak influence you as a child?

It's part o a project I'm doing for school, even how it can influence you is fine. Help please & thank you!

Isn't Lauren Conrad the same girl as Lauren Stone?

There's Lauren Conrad from the Hills and Lauren Stone from the first season of Paris Hilton's new BFF.. They look alike so much D:

What kind of fruit is this?

its green and grows wild in trees in my backyard. its kind of squishy and its the same color and texture as a pear. it has a big seed in the center and the juices stain your skin for days

Really confused about a guy?

Okay so you know how you see a really hot actor and your like "GOSH HES SMOKIN HOT" and fall in love with him? Or when you see the most popular guy in school and say "GOSH HES SOOO GOOD LOOKINGG!" well this guy I use to text and me dont have any cles but we are just now talking in real life and hang out some.. And whenever he talks to me or anything I get a really exited feeling.. Is this weird?

Isn't DECISION another word for Choice?

Yes. You can only make a decision when you have a choice. Did you watch last The Daily Show? They did a great piece on this. Its been freaking hilarious this week.