Sunday, December 11, 2011

What's with Pat Robertson?

I just don't get it. If you do, please explain. Robertson is the head of a religious organization. He endorsed Giuliani for presidency. Guiliani is pro-life and for gay rights. On the CBN website these are denounced. Hypocritical? Religious organizations can lose tax exempt status (and they have) when they endorse candidates. Is Robertson immune because he has polititions in his pocket? Does he stay close to the Republicans so there isn't an inquiry into his finances and spending like there is on others, such as Oral Roberts, Joyce Meyers, and countless others? This is so disturbing. How can a man of faith endorse a candidate that goes against everything that man of "faith" is to teach. And what is his agenda for doing it? This is a legit question. Please no smart*ss comments.

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