Saturday, December 10, 2011

What could be up with me voice, please, guys?

Only, for about the last year and a half or so, my voice has felt REALLY weak, (as though there's no energy in it whatsoever- ya know? How it feels at the start of Laryngitis?) And, as a result of this, me voice has sounded really weak, husky and throaty when I talk- (so much so, that A LOT of people think I sound A LOT older than what I actually am!) I'm thirty, and someone told me I sound about seventy. I moved up from London, (U.K.), to Lincoln, (U.K.), well over three years back now, so I wondered if it could be the change in air quality that's caused this? I also used to sing a hell of a lot, but I ain't sung much, recently- could THIS be the cause? Like I told ya, I'm thirty-one, but, at the minute, I sound the way you'd expect a bloke who was AT LEAST forty years older than me to sound. What could be the cause of this, please? I'd REALLY appreciate YOUR angles on this one, please, guys. Much obliged! Peace and love! Be lucky! :)

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